Examples, Tips and Troubleshooting

We have developed several examples which are ready for instant start with Graphical Installer (can be found in ${NSISDIR}\Graphical Installer\Examples folder):

Basic example - This is basic example for Graphical Installer.
Basic example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Basic example.

Install Designer example - This example shows how to integrate dialog(s) created with Install Designer tool with Graphical Installer.
Install Designer example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Install Designer example.

Skin example - This example demonstrates using of OLE images (.jpg .gif .bmp) for background image.
Skin example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Skin example.

RTL Languages example - This example demonstrates creating installer with support for RTL languages. Script files should be saved in UTF-16 encoding.
If you are using NSIS 2.46 or older then you need to use an Unicode build of NSIS to view languages correctly Recommended: http://www.scratchpaper.com/.
NSIS 3 (since 3.0a0) has command Unicode (true/false) which can turn creating Unicode installers on and off so there is no problem with Unicode languages.
RTL Languages example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for RTL example.

nsDialogs example - This example demonstrates using of nsDialogs together with Graphical Installer.
nsDialogs example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for nsDialogs example.

InstallOptions example - This example demonstrates using of InstallOptions together with Graphical Installer.
InstallOptions example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for InstallOptions example.

Print and Save example - This example demonstrates creating of installer with possibility to Print and Save License file.
Print and Save example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Print and Save example.

Multiple Backgrounds example - This example demonstrates using of Multiple OLE images (.jpg .gif .bmp) for background image.
Multiple Backgrounds example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Multiple Backgrounds example.

Visual & Installer example - This example demonstrates integrating NSIS into Microsoft Visual Studio (any version).
Visual & Installer example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Visual & Installer example.

RAD & Installer example - This example demonstrates integrating NSIS into Embarcadero RAD Studio (any version).
RAD & Installer example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for RAD & Installer example.

Irregular Form example - This example demonstrates creating non rectangular forms (forms with transparent areas).
Irregular Form example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Irregular Form example.

Start menu example - This example demonstrates creating Start menu page with Graphical Installer.
Start menu example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Start menu example.

Visual_UI example - This example demonstrates VisuaL_UI feature - creating 'Visual Studio Setup' like design of installers without any pictures - by using colors only.
Visual_UI example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for VisuaL_UI example.

Drag and Drop example - This example demonstrates Drag & Drop installation page (page without buttons where user needs to drag image and drop it on target to continue installation).
Drag and Drop example (graphics) - file with graphic settings for Drag and Drop example.

In next section you can find several situations which can occur in your installer and solutions for them.